By claiming and building out a free SmartInsight company profile, subcontractors are able to get found for more local construction projects and receive more invitations to bid based on their qualifications.
SmartInsight’s integration with SmartBid, the leading construction bid management software, allows subcontractors to get in front of nearly 2,000 general contractor offices who search for project partners every week.
Search our large construction network! Users are able to engage with general contractors and others in the SmartInsight network to share and request information privately for upcoming projects.
Once provided an invitation to bid, subcontractors are able to quickly prequalify for upcoming construction projects by providing a completed ConsensusDocs 721 form with one click from their profile information. (Eliminating the typical error, omission, duplication and the admin burden of qualification demands.)
Quick view project documents, via SmartInsight’s integration with STACK Construction Technologies, which allows subcontractors to perform takeoff and estimating on projects right within the system.